
Tell 'Em How You Feel

Riley was so excited to get the new American Girl catalog in the mail today.  As she was reading it to Janey in the back seat, I heard talk of some new and exciting thing...an on-line world where you could interact with your dolls...oh goodness!  They were so excited about this and planned out their computer time for as soon as we got home.

But sadly, as they ran upstairs to search for the "code" on the dolls they already have, they discovered that this new interactive world needed a new doll !!!  Oh the tears of injustice that followed!! 

Being at a loss as to what type of advice to offer after the typical "Honey, sometimes life is like that, remember, they are a company trying to sell you a product...blah, blah, blah"  was getting me nowhere, I suggested she write a letter. And she did.

It didn't get her into this "new world" but I think it made her feel just a little bit better.

Janey once wrote a letter to General Mills asking them to make a box of just the "pink Cheerios" when she was in her "I'll only eat the pink ones" phase.  Sadly they replied with a very polite No!:)

Have your kids ever written a letter to a company before?
enjoy the day


  1. What GREAT advice you gave Riley...I lover her little note. Life is not always fair. Just yesterday my son logged into webkinz only to find his account was closed because he hasn't bought a "new" pet in last year. Just another selling tactic for these companies...makes me a little mad. I said to my son, "well, that's just ridiculous!" You handled your situation much better than I did, for sure!
    Have a great day!

  2. GO Riley!! I love that she wrote to give AG a piece of her mind! My girls also noticed the online 'virtual doll' world that AG was touting in that catalog and were unimpressed ... they called AG 'copycats'! The fact that you need a new doll to get a code is such a cheap shot, too ... bad move AG :-( I'm proud of Riley for writing, I hope you send it!

  3. What a great lesson. Sometimes things really do change because of those letters and we can all have a voice. (Even if we hear "no".)
    At least, they feel like they are doing SOMETHING about it.
    Good for her...and you!

  4. Oh yeah...and I'll be making brownies from a box today. I'm taking a meal to a friend.
    Cute collage of the brownie making pics!

  5. I love it! I think she has a valid point...
