

you are 15 months and 11 days old today.
where has the time gone my sweet

you are so ready to grow up
move on to big girl things
and big girl places
i just want to keep you little

you love sitting at the island with the big girls to eat
waffles and strawberries...yum
to keep you content we usually always play and sing
"Where's your chin Aubrey?"
"If you're happy and you know it clap your hands"
you make me happy

you have a thing for helmets
and other adorable get-ups
you make me smile

you love books
they are one of your very favorite things
you always look for the doggies
pucker up your lips
blow in and out
and try so hard to say...."ruff"

you are a climber
a daredevil
and an outside girl
you love to get our shoes
bring them to me to put on
and then bang on the back door to go out

i love being your mommy 
every. single. day.
i love you Aubrey Kate!


  1. oh she is just so adorable. . .I love that age. . .they are so busy but still so cuddly!

  2. She is so sweet! How do you not gobble her up every day??!!

  3. She is absolutely adorable. My kids just sat down to look at the pictures and they said "she's sooo cute, who is that?" I said "My blog friends little girl:)"

  4. Awww, she is a doll!!! My middle son is 'Aubry.' :)

    The sleepover was an eyeopener for sure. Hopefully with 3 girls, your sleepover experiences will be different... in fact, I don't think I'll try it again with my boys. Maybe I'll just wait on my little girl to be old enough. LOL!

  5. I could just eat her up - love that age!!

  6. awww...she's so cute! You are going to have a wonderful keepsake to pass onto your girls through this blog.

    Happy Birthday!

  7. oh dear... there goes my heart... this is beautiful! Aubrey will love to look back on this beautiful post... weep weep... why are they growing so fast... :-)

  8. So very sweet! Treasure each day... it just goes by too fast!

  9. Such a sweet, cute girl! That is adorable about the shoes and banging on the door. Love the costumes and helmet, so funny! You are one lucky mama!!
