

I feel like this week has already been a month long
and it's only wednesday!
anyone else feel that way???

not really sure what is taking up all of my time and energy
the physical and the mental kind

i do know for sure that it must not be the things I love
for when it is the things i truly love
i don't feel so stressed and overwhelmed

i think i have spent way to much time looking at this computer
most days i can "handle" it
seeing a totally creative mom
or an awesome photographer
but this week it seems to be getting to me
bringing me down
instead of lifting me up and inspiring me
like it should

so....today i will inspire myself
to put my family and home first
to be grateful for the people and the talents i have
and to enjoy the little things
{Janey at the our school walk-a-thon fundraiser}

{Dave and Riley walking together}

{beginning art lessons}

Have a Wonderful Wednesday!
Enjoy the day,


  1. sometimes the best thing to do is step away, spend time with the kids doing a whole lot of fun nothingness. Hope you break your funk and soon

  2. I'm kinda feeling the same way Cindy. Not sure if it's the weather or just too much time on the computer, or my super busy week. I think I'm going to take a break from the computer for a few days....get some stuff done. That always makes me feel better!
    Have a great day!

  3. I hear you. I like to drink my coffee and check on my blogs, but then I have to get moving on MY day. Otherwise I feel totally unbalanced. Here's hoping you get your moxie back.

  4. Well, I hope your Wednesday is WONDERFUL!!! These pictures are great. I sometimes feel bogged down by the computer & stuff to do too. Hope the rest of your week is looking up. Sending sunshine from California your way...

  5. step away from the computer! it worked for me last week when I was feeling the same..the baby sleeping helps too! hope your day is going well..

  6. Hey! We all feel like that sometimes. Maybe time to read . . . a book! You know, one where you physically turn the pages?
    It might be a nice treat. :)

  7. I feel that way at times too. Turn off the computer and tv and get away from all of the technology for a few days.

    I went through a really bad time when I would read other blogs and feel like I wasn't supermom, a good enough photographer, i didn't craft like others did, i wasn't religious enough, etc. I had a long talk with a friend and she snapped me out of it.

    I hope you get to feeling great soon. We definitely all go through times like this. Praying that this passes soon.


  8. i think we all feel that way sometimes...when we see what others are doing we feel like we should be doing that...or morre...or whatever. and remember that we never know what is going on in other people's lives really, we are only getting a tiny little peek. that always makes me feel better!

    have a great day cindy!

  9. Today I am glad for chewy sweetarts. They are such a cheerful taste explosion.

  10. I was thinking the same thing! Get away from the computer, enjoy the weather. Maybe read a book. I think I'll pick up my knitting again. God knows I could use the practice:) It will pass. Enjoy the rest of the week with those precious little ones.

  11. Taking time off of the computer always does me good. Sarah from Clover Lane wrote a bit about sort of the same thing a few weeks ago, here's the link.

    Hope things start shining for you tomorrow.

  12. Art is always a good thing!! ;)
    Hope your day got better!!

  13. I TOTALLY know how you feel. Reading too many blogs (or even going to a morning coffee in my own hood with supermoms..ugh!) can really make you feel down on yourself. I think a little respite is a great idea. Recharge your battery. But, hey, don't go away for too long. We'd miss you.

    I have a friend who knows me IRL, who I admire and dream of being more like her, yet she tells me she doesn't like to read my blog b/c it makes HER feel crappy about herself. It blows me away when she says that b/c I see her as being the "better" one. Does that make sense?

    BSD told me after she said this, that I need to write a post "Don't judge a family by it's blog." I think I should. It's really just a mini peek inside. And a whole lot of closed blinds to the rest of it.
