
{Insta Friday :: week 24}

::happy friday friends::
and guess what?? today was much more mellow.
we were forced to wait at home for the dishwasher repair man
and he was running a little late and didn't get here till 1:00!!
major mellow morning score!:)
thanks for all your sweet words...i feel so much better.

::here's a peek at our week::
::chichen itza pizza cheering::
::"please don't go-ing"::
she bought this with her own money and was so proud.
on the tramp the other day they said, "lets get all tangled up together."
this super cute little mousy series
in eddie bauer today they said, "look mom we made a heart with our hands, take a picture."
in her $10 dress find...why can't I be so lucky?
yes there are sleeping bags laying all over the place...
my favorite flower picked by my favorite 4 year old and her daddy.
::this weekend we are packing, celebrating with friends, appreciating our daddies, and
packing some more.
hope your week was a lovely one,


  1. Ahhhhhh...your life is so sweet Cindy! Happy Father's Day to your man!

  2. Cindy, you are NEVER going to believe this!!! When we were waiting for our referral from China Father's Day came around. I wasn't sure if I should do something or not (2003). I was pretty sure that our baby had been born since we were expecting a referral around June 2004 and the babies were about a year old at that point. So I thought that she was either "just born" or "about to be born" on that Father's Day in June 2003. I didn't know then but she was born (we think since her birthday was just guessed) just before that Father's Day. Anyway, I went to B & N to get Scott a book (a little children's picture book) for F. D. And I saw THAT puppet show thing. Bought it.... so it was the VERY FIRST toy we ever had waiting for Anna. And the VERY FIRST F. D. memory. I had forgotten all about that. Thanks for the memory! xoxxo... happy packing! tara
