
{Aubrey's First Soccer Game}

this was the most fun we've had on a saturday in awhile!:)
watching this little sweetie on the field was a pure joy.
her red cheeked sweet little face smiled and laughed the whole way. she had more fun then we ever thought she would. of course it helped having daddy and big sis there to help (next week is janey's turn) 

checking she didn't have earrings on after daddy gave the speech to cover them...too cute...her ears aren't even pierced!:)

they start with a 30 min practice session with lots of fun games. here they were playing sharks and minnows. all the minnows have to get their ball to the other side before the shark steals it. once the shark gets your ball you become a shark.

aubrey was one of the last remaining minnows that still had her ball...

...she's being hunted by sharks but still in the lead!

dave just gave them the speech that this was the last time the minnows would try to make it to the other side keeping their ball away from the sharks. she is determined to "win"!:)

on your mark.
get set.


she takes it straight to the outside...

and makes it all the way to the goal!!!:)
the last surviving minnow!!!:)

game time

look at that smile!
look at that determination!:)

she got right in there and had no fear!

she even smiles while she's "takin you out!":)

a quick rest and some kisses from sis.

good game!!!

you did amazing aubrey!
can't wait till next saturday!
go green!!!


  1. Precious!
    Loved the soccer, but my fave part was her hair!!!!
    I am in love with that braid! : )

  2. What a determined little soccer player. She's definitely not afraid to get in there and get that ball. Go Aubrey!!

  3. Oh my goodness.... darling (yet speedy and fierce) little soccer player you are sweet Aubrey! Some day I'm going to come and see you play!!!! Love it Cindy! (and you rocked the camera)
