
I Scream, You Scream...

We all scream for ice-cream!

Several weeks ago the girls and I were reading while Aubrey was getting her bath.
All of a sudden we heard  music playing.
We looked at each other trying to figure out where it was coming from.
Didn't sound like any of the toys Aubrey had in her basket.
Then we figured out it was the ice-cream truck!
We had never seen him in our neighborhood before 
and let me tell you this was a BIG deal!!

Of course by the time we figured out what it was, 
it was too late, 
but we knew he had to be back... right???

Well, last Saturday night...we heard it again.
Not sure what was louder the ice-cream truck or the squeals of delight!

Our  friend was over
so we all quickly grabbed some money 
and waited...
and waited...

It seemed like it took him forever to get to us
but he was finally spotted coming this way

goodness, I don't remember all these choices

summer fun!

Check it off the summer list
But I know we will be doing this one again too!

Do you have an ice-cream truck in your neighborhood?


  1. Oh I wish we had an ice cream truck in our area. But we don't. Wow. There ARE a lot of choices there. They look delicious. What a great treat for your girls.

  2. We do have one - and the choices are about as many as yours, isn't that amazing?! I swear my kids have radar and can hear that music from miles away ;-)

  3. We have one too, but it's an icky, scary truck with a questionable ice cream man. It doesn't stop the ballerinas from getting ice cream though. We keep a bucket of change in the garage so when they hear the music they can grab the money and go.

    One of my ideas for when I grow up is to have an ice cream truck. But a cute vintage one and to where a fun vintage uniform and have one of those metal change dispensers like the ICM I remember wore.

  4. I haven't seen or heard the ice cream truck in the neighborhood this year. I hope he comes!

  5. Now I know I didn't have those many choices when I was a kid. My favorite was root beer popsicles...oh so plain!

  6. so cute!!!! funny story....up until this year my kiddos thought it was just a "music truck" they would get so excited to just hear the silly music from it!!! like Kim...our ice cream truck guy is a bit scary...here in the Northeast we actually call it the ding dong cart...weird i know...and he would always stop at our house right at dinner time! now he doesn't come by anymore because all my kids do is dance to the music!!

  7. I'll take a red, white and blue bomb pop...is that still what they are called?
